Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Restoration work

As reported here, almost two months ago, I experienced a flood of not-quite biblical proportions in my living room. It’s taken all this time of backing and forthing to finally square away a solution, but I am finally on the way to having my living room restored.

First of all we had to determine the cause—it seemed to be way too much water (it seeped up through the boards as you walked on them) to have been caused by my neighbor’s ice maker leak. Eventually the condo management company installed a new drain from the downspout between our two units, and there’s been no recurrence of interior water since then.

So, then I had to arrange for contractors to come out—through the condo management company, of course. Their fault, their contractors. The flooring guy came out, took measurements, and assured me at least six times in 20 minutes that they don’t do subfloors. So someone else needed to come out.

There was a bit of a kerfuffle because the condo people thought someone who turned out to be an architect was the right person to assess the situation. But—after he returned from two weeks holidaying out of the country (lucky him), I finally got the mold remediation people out last week to estimate the work.

Well, to shorten this story, as I write this, the entire ground floor is suffused with the smell of what I imagine are highly toxic chemicals, and industrial-strength dehumidifiers set at wind tunnel strength are making it impossible for me to engage in anything that requires hearing anything.

This will be me until Friday, LHR T3. Then they return to take back their kit, and I can schedule the flooring people.


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