Monday, August 6, 2018

Gratitude Monday: supporting others

A few weeks ago my Gratitude Monday post was about being thankful that I could afford to support the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington. They’d been temporarily beset by MAGAts threatening violence for having dared to ask Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave the premises (on account of her lying on behalf of an administration that—among other high crimes and misdemeanors—is hell-bent on removing Constitutional protections for large swathes of the population, some of whom work at the eatery).

It wasn’t a huge thing—a few bucks to buy gift certificates, which I asked be sent to a nearby center that supports victims of domestic violence. But I was grateful that having a job enabled me to make the gesture. Which I thought about this past week, as I signed up for a monthly contribution to the ACLU, an organization that is leading most of the challenges to administration policies.

And as I prepare to make a donation to the Jewish Family Services of the Silicon Valley, for their work with refugees—another group this regime would like to wipe from the face of the earth. A mentor and his wife are throwing a fundraiser later this month in San Francisco; I can’t attend, but I can certainly give.

And this fills my soul with joy.

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