Friday, August 24, 2018

Civic duty

Since I’m unable to register to vote in the Old Dominion (can’t get a driver’s license because the name on my Social Security card doesn’t quite match what’s on my passport, so I’m spending a long time considering whether I ever want to vote in this Confederate state), I want to be sure everything’s copacetic with my registration in California. So I called the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters yesterday to check.

Good thing, since—as I hadn’t voted in June’s primary election—I’d been moved to inactive on the electoral rolls. After a lengthy conversation with someone at the SCC office (their website could use some work), I have the form needed to update my mailing address, so I’ll be good to vote by mail come November.

I’m in a safely Democratic House district in the Valley They Call Silicon (as I am here in the People’s Republic; if I weren’t, I might make a more concerted effort to register here), but this year’s gubernatorial election is dicey, what with the kleptocrat messing in on behalf of whatever crackpot RWNJ is running as a Repugnant. So my vote will matter.

I also messaged a heads-up to one of my colleagues who—like me—has retained his California driver’s license even though he and his wife have been in the Old Dominion for three years. If they haven’t voted since 2016, they also might be moved to inactive, and I wanted to make sure they’re able to get their vote-by-mail ballots.

So, with my civic duty discharged for the moment, I can return to making campaign donations to Dems around the country, because when it comes to those spineless, corrupt, know-nothing Repugnant Ante-Bellum throwbacks currently befouling legislatures, it’s time to #votethemout.

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