Thursday, June 28, 2018

Order in the court

I saw the news on the way home yesterday that Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from SCOTUS. That means the Kleptocrat gets another seat on the court. He already had a free pass with Neil Gorsuch—that was the appointment that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Reptile – Kentucky) stole from President Obama by refusing to consider his nominee for the last year of his presidency.

McConnell—whose greatest ambition is to return us to those halcyon days of the Nineteenth Century, when women and darkies knew their place—has already announced that the Senate will be voting in the fall (i.e., before the mid-term elections) on whichever crack-brained right-wing nut job Space Cadet Bone Spurs nominates.

The Gorsuch Court has already done serious harm to America—upholding the Muslim travel ban, retaining blatantly gerrymandered districts… Another Nazi on the bench will overturn Roe v. Wade.

Not only are we totally screwed, but our kids and their kids are screwed.

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