Monday, June 11, 2018

Gratitude Monday: girlz in the 'hood

I’ve been trying to up my exercise game, mostly by walking—easing myself into it, as it were. I shared my adventure in Great Falls National Park last week; this time around, it’s the People’s Republic.

Let me preface this by noting that this town has the most bizarre thing going WRT sidewalks. I don’t know whether the government intends to discourage people from walking, or you’re supposed to walk along the paths that meander around instead of along the roads, or whether they’re just too cheap to put sidewalks along streets. But I’ve noticed for years that finding sidewalks is a complete crap shoot.

For example: you’ll emerge from your cluster to discover a sidewalk on the port side of the street. For maybe a tenth of a mile. Then it stops and there’s a sidewalk on the starboard side for half a mile. Then—for no discernable reason—that stops, and there’s nothing at all, and nowhere to walk but in the street. 

(Note pedestrian walking in the street because no sidewalk.)

Given the speeds at which the SUVs fly around the People's Republic in general and on this road in particular, this is not for the faint-at-heart.

As for the non-street paths—if you don’t already know where you’re going and how the trails map, you’re pretty much stuffed.

However—as I said, I need to start somewhere, so I just tied on my trainers, grabbed my camera and set out. Mostly, the only thing I care about is avoiding the golf course; I prefer neighborhoods and woods.

So, a couple of interesting sights. One family set out this bowl of water so neighborhood dogs could have a slurp while out walking their humans. That was nice.

And I don’t know the origin of this very well-tended bench (complete with umbrella):

But here’s the view that the peering dude (and anyone sitting on the bench) sees:

Further down the street, someone's got a gorgeous crop of oregano going. I'm so jealous:

It’s going to be more challenging to go on walks as we push into summer here in the environs of the District They Call Columbia—so far it’s been extremely mild, but that can’t last. Still—it’s always nice to have variety in any exercise regimen, and I’m grateful for it.

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