Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Drains, snakes & nature

Just as I was getting home yesterday we had one of those gullywashers of a rainstorm. I noticed that the parking lot of my cluster doesn’t seem to have gutters or storm drains, which means that the parking lot could have floated the Forrestal’s battle group.

But it abated after a while and I was able to return to watching the birds at the feeders while my socks dried on my feet.

The rain broke some of the heat, which was nice. (Summer storms don’t always do that around here.) But it also left diamonds on my giant hosta leaves, which I love.

I’m a little leery of those hostas, which are right outside my front door. Last year I found a letter carrier standing on the sidewalk side of the plants; he told me he’d seen a snake slithering under the leaves. And there have been copperhead sightings around the People’s Republic—reptile as well as human—so I’m thinking I might want to trim the big leaves back so the snakes can’t hide.

I’m all for sharing the environment with others of God’s creatures. But really—it’s a big world; they don’t have to be that close to me.

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