Friday, May 4, 2018

Recruiters 40

I’ve documented the kind of idiocy one experiences in pretty much every interaction with every recruiter ever. (You can search on recruiters in the box to the right of this post and scroll through years of the stuff.) Honestly—there may be decent members of the profession, but I’ve not encountered them more than once or twice in the past 20 years.

Recently I’ve somehow got onto email lists from a couple of outfits that send me “great opportunities”; I wrote about one of them last year. There’s another one that emails me daily; lately that’s been creeping up to twice a day. Like Dave, the Kimble Group clearly scrapes job postings that may hold one or two keywords from a profile you’ve posted somewhere (possibly LinkedIn) from a plethora of job boards, slaps them into an email and bungs it out.

And—as with Dave—I sometimes wonder what the hell Kimble are thinking in their scraping algorithm. Viz:

Although, I concede there are a few crossover elements between product management and pest control, but nowhere in any of my online profiles do I mention mass murder.

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