Thursday, May 31, 2018

Destination anywhere

You know, it’s been a weird, weird past few days. Li’l Donnie Two-scoops using a tweet to wish us all a “happy” Memorial Day, while assuring us that the generations of dead soldiers would bigly approve of the job he’s doing in the White House; his wife disappearing after a taxpayer-funded “kidney procedure”; Roseanne Barr tweeting something disgusting even by her standards and then blaming it on Ambien; a Kardashian paying a call on the Kleptocrat to discuss prisons and sentencing (the big Kim-Klepto Summit?); the GOPig governor of Missouri is resigning following a sex scandal in a rush to try to avoid investigations that might reveal "dark money"; a GOPig congressmoron from Virginia who used his taxpayer-paid staff as personal servants has decided also to resign suddenly (having only just now discovered that he’s an alcoholic)…

These are some strange times, my friends; strange, strange times.

That being the case, and closing out this bizarre month, I’m thinking that this sign could be pretty much anywhere.

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