Monday, April 2, 2018

Gratitude Monday: flashy friend

I’ve had some ups and downs with my backyard bird population. The downs are the bloody grackles—greedy and messy things that gobble seed at a rate of knots, leaving nothing for the other birds. In an effort to discourage them from visiting, I’ve had to lay in a stock of safflower seeds, which they’re not particularly fond of. So they sit on the feeder and shovel the seed out onto the ground, evidently in hopes of finding something else.

It’s a good thing that most of the birds don’t seem to mind pecking at the ground, and they’re also okay with the safflower seed (although I’m sure everyone would prefer the Fine Tunes). I was really worried about the post-grackle empty feeder, but apparently the others are okay with it (except the downy woodpecker). Although it’s also a feast for the squirrels.

But the ups are visits from a red-winged blackbird. This guy is quite skittish, so it took many days before I had my camera close to hand at the time of his appearance and could get a few shots.

(Yes, it is a red-winged blackbird. I’ve seen the flash of red when he takes off, but I’ve not been able to get a shot of him in flight. Evidently, the red can remain hidden until the male is ready to court. Here’s a photo by someone with better luck and skill.)

I don’t know how long my new friend will remain, but I’m grateful for him as long as he chooses to stay. And his relatives are also welcome.

STOP PRESS: Yesterday there were two red-winged blackbirds out on my patio. I could not get a photo of them, but I'm taking this as a hopeful sign.

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