Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Twitter relief

What with my personal loss this week and the continuing numbskullery surrounding the post-Parkland debate on whether it’s better to exercise some common sense around free access to every type of firearm known to mankind, as opposed to arming teachers who are already picking up the slack for cheese-paring school districts; having alt-Reich nutjobs (of the type who showed up in Charlottesville last summer) to voluntarily kit up in all their compensation-issue body armor and military-grade hardware and “protect” schools; banning backpacks at schools to “make them safer places” [like it’s the third-graders who are bringing in Mac-10s and not the alt-Reich nutjobs]; replacing video games with Jesus in the lives of everyone under the age of…I dunno; and all the rest of the NRA-generated “solutions” to the murders we’re witnessing with appalling frequency here in the home of the bravado…

I just need a break.

So here are a few frisnics I scraped from Twitter yesterday, in between reactions to President Bone Spurs’ declaration that if he’d been at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high (or, apparently, any) school, he’d have rushed in to confront (and take down) the shooter (even though the latter—as an alt-Reich nut job—meets the Bone Spur criterion for being a fine person), and saved all the kids, and Georgia GOPigs threatening Delta Air Lines with loss of tax-free jet fuel for ending its partnership with the NRA.


(I confess that I’m of two minds about this Georgia-Delta spat, because I think it’s time that large corporate tubs stand on their own bottoms. If you can’t keep your multi-national Fortune 100 company in the black without millions and billions of dollars in “tax credits”, you’re basically running your business on taxpayer subsidies, and there’s a word the GOPigs use for that when applied to individuals: welfare. But this post is not about that particular outrage.)

There was a #IfOnly[Klepto]HadBeenThere trend, to which I made only a minor contribution:

The rest I just picked out kind of at random:

Perhaps some time soon I can begin to think cogently about other things.

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