Friday, February 16, 2018

The sound of flowing water

Good news: the Hungarian invasion is over, and I have three new faucets and a shower head. Massive relief all around.

The major issue was the kitchen faucet, which (as you’ll recall) required the two Magyars uninstalling and reinstalling the dishwasher. Good thing, too, as the drain hose that was there was looping all over the place (in addition to being too small), causing the motor to work extra hard.

But it’s so nice not having the sink top all cluttered up with an extra hose (my new faucet is all-in-one) and the dishwasher drain thing. Also nice that two lav faucets don’t leak, and the shower is more 21st Century rather than 20th.

Overall, it took Mr. Hungary three trips to Home Depot, and me holding my tongue as he assured me that Ashburn is so much better than other areas in Fairfax and Loudoun counties because "no ghettos". That would be Magyar code for "whites only". 

Glad to have it over.

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