Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Until thrift do us part

The other day I was at a thrift store, browsing through the housewares aisles (sometimes you can find small Corning casserole dishes, which I seem to use at a rate of knots) and my eye was caught by the stemware. I don’t know how this happened, but—while I have an abundance of wine glasses—I’m down to only two Champagne flutes, so I looked a bit closer.

It was too much to hope for actual crystal in this setting, but what made me stop and wonder was this random glass:

It’s hard to see the actual words, but trust me on this:

Ryan & Lindsey
August 12, 2006

(And a seahorse. What do you suppose the seahorse signified?)

That’s nearly twelve years ago. I wonder if Ryan and Lindsey are still together?

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