Thursday, January 25, 2018

Phoning it in

Following on yesterday’s post about the not hardest working Kleptocrat in show business during the #TrumpShutdown, here’s another take on the key photo. As noted in, well, pretty much everywhere, the attempt to persuade, well, anyone that the Chaos Monkey was doing anything productive, it failed.

(Here’s one deconstruction, if you want to go there. Share Blue leans way left, but for purposes of today’s discussion, it’s close enough for government work.)

But, once again, Twitter has done itself proud. This is from a different thread, started by Aunt Crabby with that same pathetic fake photo. (Pro tip: Aunt Crabby seldom disappoints.)

I like how, whenever someone uses a simile or metaphor in a discussion of the Kleptocrat (or his minions)—impulse control of a toddler, attention span of a cocker spaniel, dumb as a box of rocks—someone else pops up to defend toddlers, cocker spaniels and rocks.

This thread was short of Photoshop skills, but there were a lot of excellent exchanges.

And this one takes us exactly back to reality. Sadly.

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