Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Nacho usual snack

Nothing much to report today, so I’m pulling something out from my files.

A while ago there was an exchange on Twitter about guacamole, and someone made a reference that I didn’t quite grok, so I asked her. Turned out to be something a year earlier about adding ground up apples.

Now, guacamole is like religion for its fans. Actually, it is religion for its fans. During the last Republican administration, there was a gigantic hoo-ha over First Lady Laura Bush’s recipe, which uses lemon juice. Folks were ready to riot in the streets because lime juice is what their mamas taught them.

(We won’t have to worry about anyone giving a toss about whatever recipe Melania might put forward in an attempt to seem in any way humanoid. No one would believe that she is.)

Anyhow, I was reminded of the New York Times screwing with the delicate balance of the guac universe with their peas nonsense. My Twitter pal pointed me to the earlier thread, which I share with you.

Buen provecho.

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