Friday, January 19, 2018

Job insecurity

Following on news reported in Monday’s post, my now ex-manager stopped by my office yesterday to announce that the wheels of HR have ground exceedingly fine, stopping at last at confirming my transfer to the academic project.


My new manager rang me from somewhere in Florida (where she is seeking funding for something; possibly this project, possibly not; it’s not clear) to also announce that the transfer is complete and express her hope that I’m enthusiastic about it. I, of course said I am—which is true, although I believe my enthusiasm would be less measured if the appointment were for longer than six months.

However, at least she did say that I can add value to this process, which can’t be provided by anyone else in the organization. So there’s that.

Don’t know what my new title is, and I’ve not seen a job description, so don’t know how I’ll be measured when performance evaluations come around in March. (What appears to have been submitted to HR is “business development”, which the whole world round means “sales”, and I am in no way a salesperson. So for external purposes, I’m keeping my previous title.) But hey-ho, just have to take it as it comes.

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