Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Here's a suggestion...

In the wake of all the Russian crackpot crap pushed on Americans during the 2016 election, Facebook is trying to avoid getting more than its knuckles rapped, and has promised to limit stories that appear in your feed to crackpot crap your friends have posted. Instead of (one presumes) stuff that’s essentially advertising.

I don’t know when this is meant to go into effect, but it can’t come too soon for me. I’ve noticed a lot of things like animal videos (marked “popular on Facebook”) or stories from corporate accounts (marked “[friend name] likes [company name]”) in my timeline. Neither of these categories is anything a friend has specifically chosen to share, and I’m sick to death of it.

But now I see they’ve expanded it further. This showed up yesterday, and it was so ludicrous it stopped me in my scrolling tracks.

There is nothing in my multi-year history on Facebook that has ever indicated I’m in any way at all interested in cleaning. And there’s nothing that will ever make cleaning fun—oddly or otherwise—for me.

That is one broken algorithm.

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