Friday, December 1, 2017

Special delivery

Huh. Things are looking up in the environs of the District They Call Columbia.

I confess that I only occasionally look at the ads on Metro cars. I’m either nose down in my mobile, or I’m gazing emptily into the space beyond the window.

But the other morning I glanced up at the big stretch of blue next to the door and saw this:

Then a couple of days later, there was this one:

Now, this certainly looks good—and Lord knows, home delivery of hot and cold running booze is a super-good use of tech. Talk about meeting a market need...

But I went on their website, and—as I expected—they cannot deliver liquor (or even, apparently, beer) to Virginia. Those Baptist Taliban anti-liquor laws. Also, they don’t want you circumventing their state-run ABC (liquor) stores.

(I noticed on their website once that they forbid anyone bringing in more than a gallon of anything alcoholic (including wine and beer) from outside the Commonwealth. If you’re moving from another state or from abroad, you have to fill out some kind of form to get their permission. Yeah, no.)

However, it is possible for to deliver to my work address, in the District. Which could certainly be a boon. Although my manager might get a little sniffy. (I mentioned once I was going to pick up a bottle of Glenmorangie for… And he interrupted me to ask if I had a problem, and if he needed to contact HR. I stopped telling him anything about anything.)

So I’ll keep this one in my back pocket.

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