Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Join the chorus

Since we’re less than a week from Christmas, you’ve no doubt heard “Deck the Halls” about 42,736 times since Thanksgiving. If you for some unaccountable reason do not actually know the words to the first verse, you at least can join in on the chorus, which consists of “fa”, followed by about 42,736 “las”.

Easy-peasy, although it helps if you've been nipping at the nog.

The song comes to us from Wales, dating back to the 16th Century, and the English lyrics were added (by a Scotsman) in 1862.

Here’s the original Welsh “Nos Galan”, sung—appropriately—by a Welsh men’s chorus, Barbers and Bishops:

But I don’t think I can hear “Deck the Halls” without having this classic Christmas dinner scene flash into my mind:

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