Monday, December 25, 2017

Gratitude Monday: finding hopes

On this Christmas morning—one of the Big Days for gratitude—my wish is that you have all you need, as well as all of what you truly wish for.

The world is not equitable, a fact down wholly to the thoughts and actions of mankind. And I am frankly not sanguine about the prospects for improving this condition, especially given events of the past year. The pre-ghost Scrooges of the planet appear to be in charge, and they’re bent on giving themselves a raise at the expense of everyone else. Moreover, I see no indication that they are capable of redemption, even by getting the tour by the Ghost of Christmas Future. This frankly frightens me; I cannot tell you how much.

I’ve spent the past few weeks trying to reassure myself with Christmas music. Some days it worked better than others. So today I’m doubling down on gratitude, on counting my manifold blessings, and on building hopes.

May God bless us, everyone.

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