Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Daily routine

I find it interesting that so many businesses don’t close down during the period between Christmas and New Year. Trust me: enough folks take time off because their kids are off school and they don’t want to pay for either babysitters or the childcare premium that nothing gets done anyhow.

This is the case at pretty much everywhere I’ve worked in the past 20 years. Where I am now, you could hold World War II there this week and no one would get hurt. I’m one of the ones there, since I only take time off when I can use it productively.

This doesn’t stop me from collecting oddities, however. As in this thread I found some time ago on LinkedIn—the “careers networking platform” that has long since devolved into a cacophony of “look-at-meeee” and sales spam. Here’s how it started out:

I don’t know whether this Mark Sloan bloke was deadly serious or taking the piss; either way he exemplifies the whole LinkedIn ethos. However, the responses were definitely in the latter category:

And, finally:

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