Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Winter is here

I’m not even sure how to start this one out. As you know, the season known as The Holidays is upon us. (In the United States, it’s generally considered that Thanksgiving kicks it off, although it might now be starting at Halloween.) This means holiday decorations. And in the District They Call Columbia, the big megillah is the decoration of the White House.

Dunno if there were great expectations of how the unchurched Kleptocrat would manifest his declaration during the campaign last year that there’d be no more “Happy Holidays” crap if he was elected; strictly “Merry Christmas” all the way. But Monday, while he insulted several Navaho Code Talkers under a portrait of Andrew Jackson, his wife invited reporters (and a few carefully-chosen photo-op children) to witness their idea of the season.

Let me just say: clearly, it would be harder to find a whiter Christmas than this, so a perfect expression of the white-supremacist-in-chief.

But don’t take my word for it. Here was Twitter, starting with the rather wistfully hopeful tweet by Melania’s director of communications.

You sort of got the feeling that Grisham was crossing her fingers, praying that she wouldn’t get trolled. However, she was wrong. So wrong.

Because—holy White Witch, how could anyone in the decorating chain of command have thought that this design would be seen as…anything but an evocation of cracking ice and frozen corpses? (Perhaps they hoped we’d be so grateful not to find gold-spray-painted putti covering every surface, interspersed with handwritten paeans by Cabinet members and the Joint Chiefs of Staff declaring their eternal fealty to the orange Chaos Monkey that we wouldn’t say anything about something that emerged from an Ingmar Bergman nightmare? Yeah, no.)

As Elle magazine quipped, decorating's a snap when you get the Orcs involved.

At any rate, Imma just leave these here.

This one I thought particularly apt.

 And a couple of comments:

“It looks like Christmas on the Death Star.”

“This is the actual war on Christmas, right here.”

“About as warm as a penguin’s ass.”

“Treason’s Greetings!”

We can expect more as we proceed through the next month. Kind of like passing into the mines of Khazad-dûm.

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