Wednesday, November 1, 2017

A surfeit of scariness

Oh, my ears and whiskers, I believe that my colleagues in IT have absolutely outdone themselves this year. I mean—where do I even start?

Okay, well, just a sampling of the additions since my last post.

And then there was a spooky sound machine and fog (although of course you can’t hear the former, and the latter had dissipated some by the time I fetched my camera).

I’m not really counting the pumpkins—they’re part of HR’s attempt to look with-it; a company-wide carving competition. There were only 11, which isn’t a good turnout for an organization of 450 or thereabouts. Even so, there were a couple that struck my fancy:

This was really impressive.

This whimsical.

And this—well, yes.

However, my personal favorites were the tombstones that appeared along the corridors, speaking to IT technologies that came and, er, went. They range from practically the telegraph to an early next-big-thing startup; some of the hardware memories are evocative. (Samsung Note 7?) And I’m so old, I’ve used most of them (except for the applications that were specific to this place before my time). How many do you recognize?

This one was particularly poignant:

1 comment:

  1. I have to ask: Was any work done in the last few days?
