Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Here be dragons

We’re heading into Halloween, which means that—among the Christmas decorations—we can also see spooky-scary stuff in the various stores.

Viz: this dragon that I found in Lowe’s a few weeks ago.

Yes, I shot this video in mid-September. I suppose if you’re going to shell out for this sort of ostentation, you want to get your $179 money’s worth. Possibly leave it up all year round.

I haven’t seen a whole lot of it around the ‘ville, but then I haven’t been walking, as I used to do in the Valley They Call Silicon, where I thought they raised the concept of Halloween yard art to Gothic heights. I should really get out more.

1 comment:

  1. We have actually seen this in action in the next block. Pretty wonderful if a wee bit early.

