Monday, October 2, 2017

Gratitude Monday: good neighbors

It doesn’t take a lot to keep me amused; toss out some birdseed and I’ll watch the wildlife for hours. Especially as they forage on the ground. Viz:

It’s not just the birds, either. Although I can do without the squirrels, I enjoy some of the other furry critters. Like the little chipmunk that occasionally shows up:

There’s one guy I’m not sure of. I was looking out one afternoon at a squirrel and thought, “Gee, that guy’s got problems. Something happened to his tail.”

Only it turned out to be a wood rat.

It’ll be very interesting to see which feathered and furred friends winter over here, lured by my largesse. But I’m grateful for them all.

Except the squirrels. Pretty much.

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