Wednesday, August 16, 2017

We are so screwed

Right—back to Nazis, again.

Because when the Kleptocrat’s grudging reading of a statement Monday condemning the racist neo-Nazis’ violence in Charlottesville over the weekend did not bring the adulation he thought he was due, he first tweeted his pique:

Then he let his inner foot-stamping adolescent out by flouncing out this stream of absolute false-equivalence lunacy yesterday.

And you know what? I can’t even. It’s not just the complete cognitive dissonance in his imaginary both-sides-were-equally-at-fault, or the obvious anger that being president isn’t as much fun as he thought it was going to be. This sad, ridiculous, pouty, racist loser has access to the finest nuclear arsenal ever amassed, and he’s entirely capable of ordering a strike on Pyongyang, Caracas or the Washington Post just because it occurs to him that he can and we can’t.

There is not one single redeeming quality in his entire makeup.


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