Monday, August 7, 2017

Gratitude Monday: Spirit of the pitch

I’ve been dodging the knowledge that, come tomorrow, I’m going to have to once again  Pitch an Idea as the culmination of the ideation course we’re running at work. As I (as always) would rather swallow ground glass than go through this, I’ve just been doing my Scarlet O’Hara imitation and putting off thinking about it until the next day, and the next.

Look: I have an idea—a good one—but the challenge is to make your case to a panel of judges inside two minutes. I can’t even set the stage for the problem to be solved in two minutes.

But on Friday I just couldn’t put it off any more, and the enormity of my shortcoming hit me, and my commute home was not uplifting.

So imagine my delight at finding a package on my doorstep, and picture my happy dance when I unwrapped the contents, an amazing give from one of my spirituous advisers:

Point of origin, from left, Ireland, Scotland, North Carolina.

(I opened the latter during my biweekly call with the giver, and let me just say, it was mighty, mighty fine. The aroma filled my living room, even with the windows open, and it went down a treat.)

So mega gratitude today for friends with superb taste, for unexpected gifts, and for getting this bloody pitch over with.

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