Thursday, August 10, 2017

Birds of a feather

A funny thing happened on the way to nuclear Armageddon: a guy bought a large,  inflatable chicken with Klepto-like hair for $1300, and installed it behind the White House. No word on whether it's associated with Klepto's love of KFC, but I like to hope.

You know—some days, you just put your inflatable chickens in the win column and close the door behind you.

But also: Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team staged a pre-dawn raid on Paul Manafort’s home and seized a shedload of records. That and the White House chicken make it a good day, all in all.

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty sure he bought it and set it up to call the idiot a chicken for not sharing his tax returns. But, who knows for sure.
