Thursday, July 27, 2017

The unit got over it

You’ll probably be aware that yesterday morning, the 69th anniversary of Harry S Truman integrating the armed forces, the Kleptocrat’s latest attempts to distract the nation from the deepening pit of his campaign’s Russian ties opening up around him involved tweets proclaiming that (contrary to a tweet from only last year—ever so long ago in Klepto-years) he’s gazed into his…well, wherever a navel would be on any ordinary human being…and discovered that he chooses to ban transgender people from his military.

(Remember—in his little brain, it is indeed his military.)

It seems the five-time dodger of the Vietnam-era draft has decided that “Our military [“our” in the imperial sense] must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.”

He even ended his series of tweets with “Thank you”, which is kind of bizarre.

Bizarre to the contrary notwithstanding, let me address his points.


No, seriously—a guy who wanders off in the ten feet between Air Force One’s stairs and his waiting limo is talking about focusing?

And the guy who lost the popular vote is banging on about decisive and overwhelming victory?

Oh, please.

As for the medical costs—concern for those would exclude all women of childbearing age from serving in any capacity. And, for that matter, all men with families.

And as for the rest of it, for the unit disruption, lemme give you Admiral Percy Fitzwallace from The West Wing.

Beat that with a stick.

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