Friday, May 5, 2017

Time to start the revolution

Well, sports fans, the Repugnants in the House got what they wanted: the appearance of a victory on a healthcare bill that reveals them at their despicable worst. In this case, it was more important for them to be seen to be doing something—anything—than to do something productive. So Trump-RyanCare squeaked by in yesterday’s vote—without Congressmorons reading it, without meaningful debate (even by Congressmoron standards) and without a thought for anything except getting it voted on before they take their next recess (at least the second since the beginning of the year).

Some quick thoughts:

Jason Chaffetz, Despicable-Utah, whom last we saw fleeing the House because he urgently needed foot surgery to repair a 12-year-old defect, managed to wheel himself back to the floor to cast his vote in favor of shafting his constituents. Despite being too incapable to do his Congressional work of investigating connections between the Gauleiter administration and the Russians, he literally scooted (on a scooter) back in order to uphold the principle that if you aren't already well-cushioned financially, you don't deserve a decent quality of life. Even if you vote for him. Will you look at the grin on that face? 

(Although, since this is such an important vote, I'm betting he would have slithered in, like he usually does.) He—like all his Repug cohorts—do not see the irony in the fact that, under this new bill’s provisions, his problem with his foot would be a pre-existing condition, which once again becomes grounds for being refused coverage.

But, hey—not a problem, it turns out, because the bill presciently exempts Congressmorons, their families and their staffs from this pre-existing coverage limitation, so they’ll be taken care of. Yay! Chaffetz will now slink back under a rock somewhere in Utah (or maybe somewhere nicer; where there are no constituents to ask him any questions) for his three-week work-free “recovery” period.

Which no other employer in the country would give any employee who wasn’t in a coma on life-support. You call in that kind of sick, they fire your ass. Although, in fairness, hard to distinguish any Repug from a comatose person, and I would personally question whether they’re even a life form.

It’s not clear to me how long it will take for denizens of the red states, who’ve been so vocal in their support for repealing the reviled Obamacare, to realize that what actually got repealed was the Affordable Care Act, the one that provides them actual coverage for a raft of conditions that will no longer be included (or that will cost far too much for them to buy coverage). And that the “death panels” the Repugs threatened them with back when ACA was initially debated (for much longer than 40 minutes) turn out to be the Repugs.

Yo—smokers, chawers and snuff-takers. Ask about tobacco-related conditions. Then prepare to hear a lot of laughter. You’re shafted, dudes. 

(Fun fact: the state of being female is essentially a pre-existing condition for this crowd of bloated white males, so care for pregnancy and other things to do with lady-parts—including rape and sexual assault—are not covered. But that great scourge of humanity, erectile dysfunction, that, boyos, is definitely in.)

I’d almost be okay with that, because you’re the ones who brought this about. It was more important to you to expunge the legacy of a black man in the Oval Office, and to prevent a woman from entering it, than it was to even look after your own interests. You were so intent on sticking it to the mythical libtard elites that you hauled out your Second Amendment assault rifles and shot yourselves, your families, your neighbors and your future.

But you also screwed millions of innocent, hard-working people who never hurt you. This shitstorm is all on you, and the vindictive Kleptocrat and the vicious Congressmorons you sent to Washington. You raised the water level of the so-called swamp to tsunami proportions.

I’d say fuck you, but your elected representatives are doing that anyhow.

But as for you spineless, lickspittle swamp monster Repugnantss laughing your limos to the airport: better start looking into post-Congressional healthcare coverage, because in 18 months, Winter’s coming.

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