Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The gargoyle on the roof

It is sadly pretty much a given that Republican congressmorons are doing just about everything they can to find ways to avoid speaking with constituents—preferably without looking like the pre-chordates they are. So yesterday this photo made quite the splash:

That’s Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (which he has staffed with reps of generous campaign donor industries the committee is meant to oversee), R-California 49th District. He’s standing on the roof of his district office, dodging the people below him, outside the building. They’re his constituents, ones who gather every Tuesday to protest his craven actions in Congress. He’s photographing them, probably to turn over to ICE for possible deportation, or at least to post to security guards so they can block any potential office visits. My money’s on him not coming down until the voters have been chased off the premises by guards or the cops.

At any rate, this photo on Twitter sparked some really great replies. Viz.:

(Issa was charged with both grand theft, auto, and with insurance fraud by arson in the past, although he beat the rap.)

What a maroon.

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