Wednesday, May 24, 2017

So amazing

I’m working on restructuring my neuro-processes actively to minimize negativity, so I try to restrict my Kleptocrat intake. However, there have been a couple of highlights from his Big Adventure in the Mid-East and Israel (as he framed it when he arrived in Tel Aviv).

First—he was clearly in his element in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where he was surrounded by real despots, given gold presents and able to bond with other male supremacists who do not permit any form of free speech. For once, he was allowed at the local cool kids’ table, and he was pathetically happy about it. (Albeit exhausted, we’re told. These actual multi-hour work days do tend to wear you out when you can’t break them up with lunches, Fox News and tweets.)

And the photo ops—man.

As you can imagine this image just sent Twitter into overdrive:

Even the Church of Satan weighed in, although I’m not sure about the truth of this.

Well, so much for the new Axis of Evil. At their next stop, there was more of interest. For many, this video was a highlight of the trip so far:

I have to say that from the practiced accuracy of her swat and his immediate “nothing happening here” response, this clearly is not the first time this sort of thing has happened. The world completely understands, Melania. But divorce him, honey; I’m tired of my taxes subsidizing your separate living accommodations.

In another empty photo op, the entourage stopped for about 15 minutes at Yad Vashem, the memorial to victims of the Holocaust. It’s customary for visiting dignitaries to pause in remembrance, and leave a few words in a note. Our last actual president wrote this:

Here’s the Kleptocrat’s:

Man—it only lacks “have fun this summer” to flesh out a full yearbook scribble.

RightI'm off to restructure my neural paths. Peace out. Or, as the White House Press Office might say, peach out.

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