Monday, May 15, 2017

Gratitude Monday: It's in the air

We’ve been having kind of weird weather here around the District They Call Columbia. Last week I actually hauled out my down jacket and ate the last of the cottage pies I’d stored up in the freezer. I even turned the heat back on at home, because it was below 63 degrees.

But yesterday the sun was out, I hacked out some of the overhanging branches of some probably overgrown tree-like entity in my back yard, and I opened my patio door to let in the spring air and listen to the birds outside.

In the morning I read the Sunday paper at my dining table with a view through an azalea bush, and then went out to meet a friend for a catch-up. Walked away from that one with a gorgeous sparkly-puce pussy hat, a pound of "Sweet Love" coffee beans and many things to think of about the healthcare system.

I also enjoyed my first supper of poached chicken breast with tomato mayonnaise of the year, with a glass of Prosecco, while looking out onto the patio and watching the juvenile cardinals peeping at their parents amid the bird seed I toss out there; they haven’t quite grasped this concept of feeding themselves.

Thus, today I am grateful for the joys of Spring in an area that has a true change of seasons.

I am also, tbh, grateful for Flonase, because you can practically see the pollen in the air around you.

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