Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Snow day

The DC area got its first real snowfall of this winter yesterday. I did not realize this was coming, or I’d have looked for a snow shovel on Saturday when I was at Home Depot getting spare keys (plural) cut. Instead I was one of those clueless morons at Home Depot on Monday afternoon looking in vain—by that time, nothing left but an empty carton that had once held them.

So I was reduced to praying that we’d get only a dusting, so I wouldn’t disgrace myself in front of my new neighbors by being the only resident with unshoveled walkways.

No such luck.

It wasn’t of snowmageddon proportions, but we got a couple of inches. 

The only thing I had to try to deal with the snow on my car and the sidewalk was a push broom. I did my best, but it was pathetic (although my car is cleared off). So I was reduced still further to hoping for temperatures to rise to the point that it would melt.

Not quite, but let’s pray for tomorrow, eh?

At any rate, I tossed a couple of handfuls of Fine Tunes out on the snow and then I almost got no work done at all, because the birds were so happy. Cardinals, a really bossy robin, chickadees, juncos, jays—it was big screen kitty TV out my patio door. See:

The squirrel did not show up until late afternoon, so the birds got a pretty good buffet before it started vacuuming everything up.

I had to come into the office today just to get real work done. Maybe I should print out an apology to my neighbors for not clearing my walkways, and stick it up on my door.


  1. Xie,

    Your pictures make up twice over for the walkways. You've made my day.


  2. You don't listen to / watch the weather forecast?

  3. Uh, no. It was a big enough challenge to remember to move the clocks forward at the weekend. I'm not a big proponent of multi-tasking...
