Monday, March 6, 2017

Gratitude Monday: clean dishes

I suppose this is really petty, but today I’m grateful for having a full-sized dishwasher, which I only have to run about once a week.

You might think that’s a sine qua non of modern life, but in my last place, the owners—who evidently do not do much in the way of cooking—had a half-sized dishwasher. I cannot think why, as they remodeled their kitchen, and by moving the sink over about a foot (and thus eliminating one of the dopiest pull-out cabinets in existence), they could have installed a full-sized one.

It ate my lunch every time I had to run it with half of a full-sized dishwasher load, because that’s all it would hold. Because it did not use any less electricity, water or soap than the large model.

Anyhow—I’m enjoying knowing that I only have to “do” dishes once a week (unless I go into some cookery frenzy). And I’m grateful for that.

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