Friday, February 3, 2017

Unpresidented perspective

Okay, back to my theme of the week: the best way to deal publicly with the Kleptocrat.

Yes, that’s to take the piss. He reacts to ridicule the same way fellow chaos monkeys Erdoğan, Putin and Kim do. I imagine he’s hunkered down for hours each day on his Twitter throne trying to come up with ways he can terminate with extreme prejudice Alec Baldwin, Andy Borowitz and every comic in the world who points out how laughable he is.

The latest (at least as of a day or so ago) were the gifs and memes circulating that pretty much eviscerate the Kleptocrat’s pathetic penchant for dramatically signing his imperial ukases and then grimly showing them to the frankly sick-making obsequious cameras. Viz:

There are about a gazillion of them out there, but I’ll just share a sampling. 

And this guy appears to be behind many of them, so go visit his page.

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