Friday, February 17, 2017

The earth did not move. Yet.

Okay, after my rant the other day, I ended up giving the four guys who effected my move $20 each. They were competent, and of an ethnic group that puts them at risk for illegal visits by ICE, so I just forked over more than I’ve ever tipped movers before.

I’m not happy that the end price was about 12% higher than the quote, and I’m still looking for my down jacket that one of them packed in some carton not with any of my other clothes, but I guess I should be glad that his crew chief asked me what I wanted done with my handbag before it, too, ended up in a carton.

I’m in my new place, where I was greeted by chickadees and juncos—have to get a bird feeder tout suite, because I am not throwing stuff out to be gobbled up by squirrels—and I have a new water heater, connectivity and TV. I reckon I’ll eventually figure out the rest.

But I do have to go look for that jacket.

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