Thursday, February 23, 2017

New neighbors

Here are a couple of benefits to my new home:

I look out my back windows and see cardinals, juncos, chickadees, finches, blue jays and robins. Friday morning, when I went out in search of something to cover over the nasty sticky liner crap in the kitchen drawers and shelves, I was actually brought to a halt because I heard birdsong.

Imma have to find squirrel-proof bird feeders. I tossed out some Fine Tunes for the song birds I saw loitering about, but squirrel radar picked up on it while the birds were still trying to ascertain whether it was some sort of Evil Avian Trap. I am not the Sciuridae smorgasbord.

Also: I have no idea what this is, but it’s scattered around the back yard:

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