Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Light and space

Well, there’s more floor to be seen than there was a couple of days ago:



I figured out a kludge to restart the stuck garbage disposal (no hex wrench, but a slot screwdriver worked fine), and I believe I have enough food organized that I don’t have to shop for groceries until next weekend.

One of the things I love most about this place is that the back of the house faces south—even on cloudy days, the living-dining area is bright enough that I don’t have to turn on lights.

Which is good because you would not believe what the previous owners have for a dining room light:

Not only is it butt-ugly, and a hazard to ambulation because it hangs down to about five feet off the floor, but it throws absolutely no discernable light anywhere because it was fitted with a single “eco smart” bulb that has a cold, dim output of about 3 watts.

I looked at it yesterday: there was only the one bulb, although there are fittings for two. I put in the single, dim “eco smart” bulb that had been in the one, functionally useless overhead light in the kitchen. The light is still cold and uninviting, but it’s now marginally less dim. Still marked for replacement.

What’s interesting about the kitchen situation is that the overhead light is clearly wired for two lamps, but whoever installed this didn’t even put in the receptacle for a second bulb. I have to hire an electrician to even get the second dose of wattage. I swapped out the “eco smart” bulb for a 100 watt one, but that’s still inadequate for doing much of anything in a kitchen.

But it’ll have to do for a while.

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