Friday, January 20, 2017

Fish out of water

You may recall that the building where I live is renovating the corridors, and that someone with a rather delicious sense of whimsy lives on my floor (and at my end of the building).

Well, alas—this week the aquatic primer on the walls was covered up by two coats of “grown-up” paint, and all the fishies disappeared. That’s progress, I know.

But a couple of them made a break for it, ending up on the industrial-strength cardboard floor protectors. One in front of my flat:

And one right by the elevators:

(Sadly, it did not take long for Elevator Fish to be squashed pretty miserably.)

But then I noticed that someone had rescued many of the fishies—although I suppose jamming them in the hinge-space of a door is not a pleasant environment for anyone:

Even so, it means that the painters also have a sense of whimsy, and that makes me feel good today, when I very much need it.

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