Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Dressed for success, unpresidented

I was going to write about something else today, but then this story flashed across my social media feed…

(And before I get to it, let me just say that I have no intention at all of spending the next four years writing about all the crap that’s about to flood from the White House, joining the sewage already flowing from the Capitol cloaca. Because that would be more than a full-time job, and I do not have the blood pressure to deal with that shit.)

But I just had to pass on the Washington Post’s Reliable Source gossip column report on an interview that the Kleptocrat-elect gave to the New York Times in which—after he once again bashed Meryl Streep—he proclaimed that for his upcoming inauguration (oh, Lord—I’m not sure my fingers can type this without my entire body wanting to howl with laughter), “There will be plenty of movie and entertainment stars. All the dress shops are sold out in Washington. It’s hard to find a great dress for this inauguration.”

Now, let’s consider the degree of pathetic wish fulfillment these two statements require. Because we already know that his inauguration team is having a very hard time finding even D-list celebs who are willing to perform for this Klown Kar of Kakistocracy. And I really hope that those who are signing on are getting payment in advance, because this jerk and his toadies are consistent in only one thing, and that’s stiffing the hired help.

But that whole bit about the state of party frock availability for this event utterly surpasses just about everything the Klown-in-chief has ever tried to palm off on the public to hype himself. Is he imagining that this vast wasteland of formalwear will mean that women will show up at the various events wearing yoga pants and I’m With Her tee shirts? Or that they’re flocking to Philly in search of frocks?

Or perhaps he’s laying the groundwork for a later claim that the tens of thousands of gorgeous women who really, really wanted to show their support for him had to stay home because of a dearth of finery suitable for the occasion?

Well, whatever.

But the whole reason I’m posting this is actually this comment posted to the story.

Whoever toleranceisbest is, s/he won teh Interwebz yesterday.

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