Thursday, December 8, 2016

Rings a bell

There are many Christmas carols and songs of which I am not a fan. “Chestnuts Roasting”—meh. “White Christmas”—no thanks. Anything covered by Justin Bieber—pass the sick bag.

Little Drummer Boy” holds a special place in that projectile vomit category. There's something about that “Bolero”-like repetition of the rum-pum-pum thing that just makes me want to knock heads.

Ditto “The Carol of the Bells”—it feels like three days of faux chiming, and there’s only so much ding-donging a person can take. I mean—there must be a clause in the Geneva Convention that prohibits this song.

However. Muppets.

Brevity is the soul of wit, dimwits and halfwits.

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