Friday, December 2, 2016

Achtung Hallelujah

If you don’t know by now what a sucker I am for a good flash mob, I just cannot help you. In the past, I’ve done entire series of “Hallelujah Chorus” flash mobs. I love the ephemeral nature of the musical flash mob, as people who look just like you emerge from a crowd, belt out something that sends chills down your spine, and then melt back into the crowd.

If that’s not magic, I do not know what is.

(Yes—it’s a boatload of work, rehearsals and logistics. But the result is pure magic.)

Viz. this experience at Köln-Bonn airport. Is there a less magical place on the planet than any airport during the holidays? So is this not the place where we most need it?

You listen and consider the notion.

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