Thursday, October 13, 2016

Life of Riley

Y’all know how much I love the Twitters-dot-com. In addition to political exploration, there are all the animals.

No, no—I mean real animals. As in: not members of homo sapiens.

Here’s one, for example: We Rate Dogs.

To be honest, I don’t recall how I came to be following them, and I sure as hell don’t understand what they’re on about. I’m guessing that people send them pix of dogs, and they rate them. The dogs, I mean.

But they’re all 11 and 12 out of 10 ratings. Which they appear to be explaining here:

Well, fair enough.

But the one that caught my eye was this photo of Riley, in a sprinkle doughnut pillow:

That was certainly worth the 13/10 rating. But then there were the reply tweets. Viz.:

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