Monday, October 17, 2016

Gratitude Monday: what a year

I was riding Metro to work Thursday morning when I realized that precisely a year before I was getting ready for a job interview. The interview, in fact, that brought me to the District They Call Columbia.

It was also the last time I spoke with my BFF: I walked back to my hotel after the interview, kicked off those interview shoes and dialed her to report on the whole thing. How I actually enjoyed talking with the panel of seven, was psyched up by the challenge, loved being in the city in October. She was drifty because of the morphine, but nonetheless expressed her excitement, and made a joke about my one competitor for the job.

Our last laugh.

It’s been a taxing year since that day, and I’m only now starting to feel like I might be getting my head around what I need to do, how to frame my communications, where I need to be. Many rivers to cross, of course, but I can do it.

So today I’m grateful for the way things finally came together, and for the opportunities ahead.

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