Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Como si fuera algo malo

I learned a couple of interesting things last week, thanks to social media. First, Trump has what the media refer to as “Latino surrogates”: men (and, like the vast preponderance of Trump campaigners, they are all men) with brown skins and surnames ending in -ez, who have the unenviable job of representing to the Latino electorate (the ones who haven’t been denied registration by voter ID laws) that—everything he’s said to the contrary—Trump really doesn’t despise them as subhuman, and that he’s not planning to ruin their lives in any way.

At least not until 9 November.

And apparently these surrogates—at least the ones who’ve been allowed to speak publicly—share the Donald’s speaking style as well as his political goals. Because one of them, a guy named Marco Gutierrez, got on MSNBC and announced that if we the American people do not elect Trump, we’re going to be overrun by Mexicans, and before you know it, we’re “going to have taco trucks on every corner.”

No, I am not making that up.

I do not know who this Gutierrez person is, but I’m guessing from the way Twitter lit up that he’s every bit as out of touch with the American people as his master. Because the hashtag #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner about broke the Interwebz. Basically we have a new manifesto for the American people, replacing that "A chicken in every pot" jobber from another Republican nominee.

It’s hard to choose a sampling from such an embarrassment of riches but they’re all variants on wonderment around how taco truck proliferation could possibly be considered a bad thing. Viz.:


One of my favorites is this meme:

But in the end, here's one of the things that makes America already great:

And this:

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