Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Role playing

If your cable TV ever goes out, get thee to a coffeeshop or library with free Wi-Fi and head to the Twitters-dot-com. That stuff is way funnier than just about anything but a cat in a bathtub.

You don’t even have to search on either presidential candidate; just seeing how people choose to describe themselves in the 160 characters allotted for their profiles is a hoot and a half.

This guy, for example.

He followed me for a while, although I can’t think why. Perhaps I mentioned “mobile” in one of my tweets. But here are a couple of things I find interesting:

How is it that someone who’s put out fewer than 70 tweets has more than 10,000 followers? Yeah, part of it is the I’ll-follow-you-if-you-follow-me thinking. But that still puts him at nearly 1500 more followers than followees.

But what really cracks me is his self-proclaimed status as “cinnamon role expert”. Can you truly be an expert at something you can’t spell?

Alternatively, if there are cinnamon roles, where would you find them? Comedy? Drama? Saturday morning cartoons? Waiting for Godot?

See what I mean about the entertainment value of Twitter?

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