Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Legal notice

Periodically the Chief Legal/Financial Officer of my employer runs training on, well, legal and financial stuff. They send emails to all staff, you reply that you’ll go, mark your calendar, and Bob’s your uncle.

Because we have a publishing division, and a lot of people run public-facing social media accounts, there’s a big push to make sure we don’t violate copyright and other intellectual property protections. They also give an overview of what constitutes slander and libel, which I really wish the staffs of political candidates and serving congressmorons would bring to their attention.

And, you know, financial reporting and other governance things; they’re important, too.

But evidently they haven’t had a lot of people respond to the email that went out a couple of weeks ago, because flyers started appearing in the kitchen:

And on the mirror in the ladies’ room:

Also, I’m reliably informed that one’s posted in the men’s room, but I didn’t go in there to get photographic evidence.

I’m not entirely sure about the flyers-in-the-loos as a marketing strategy. But I still don’t have a handle on this crowd, so maybe it works.

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