Monday, August 1, 2016

Gratitude Monday: Get thee behind me

You know it’s a bad month when the most straightforward and competent organization you deal with is the California Department of Motor Vehicles. That was my July, all month long.

From the coup in Turkey, which gives Erdogan carte blanche to go all Stalin and liquidate thousands of people who express an opinion of him he considers inadequate, to the death of a friend’s son in a horrible car crash, the entire month of July just sucked.

(It was interesting to me that when I mentioned both events to a colleague last week, he dismissed my dismay about Turkey, even though he understands that Turks have form when it comes to genocide, and he story-topped my friend’s loss by telling me that the son of someone he used to work with—“she’s bat-shit crazy”—was diagnosed with brain cancer. I’ve already deduced that this person is probably ADHD, but this reinforced my understanding that most opinions I express at work are going to be considered irrelevant.)

Then there’s the cluster around the “tiger team” project at work, and my realization that the entire exercise has been a bit of a Potemkin Village cruise…

Well, anyway, today I am well and truly grateful that July is in my rearview mirror.

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