Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Considering the commoditization of professional work in technical fields, with geography-challenged recruiters scurrying about in a numbers chase to fill positions in tech giants regardless of the requirements of the hiring company and the qualifications of the candidates (their one standard for success is filling the highest number of positions at the lowest possible hourly rate—to the worker), it should not surprise you that I’m still getting spam from bodyshops touting “great opportunity” for jobs I cannot do in parts of the country where I am not located.

What these emails very often lack (in addition to standard English usage) is—as per the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003—is a clearly-visible means of getting off their spam list. These guys are strictly playing a numbers game; they must think that—regardless of how often they send completely irrelevant “opportunities” to a candidate—sooner or later something will stick. That would be all they care about.

It’s like people who use dynamite to catch fish.

You come to expect that from the approximately 173,466 IT-recruitment companies in South Asia, but it’s very interesting when you get that from a company in the low three-digits of the Fortune 500 ranking. Viz.:

You’ll notice all the legal strictures on the victim to the effect that if you’re not the party to whom they are speaking, you must delete it from your email, shred any hard copy and erase your brain. Taking any other course is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and may even be UNLAWFUL.

No mention whatsoever of a way to unsubscribe from their PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL, possibly COPYRIGHTED and definitely UNWANTED email list. And I’ve consequently received many such solicitations from them.

Let me reiterate, this isn’t some Bangalore bodyshop, it’s a division of a company that claims $19 billion in 2015 global revenues and touts its position on the Ethisphere Institute’s “prestigious list of the World’s Most Ethical Companies”.

Apparently one of the world’s most ethical companies doesn’t give a toss about obeying Federal law.

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