Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Last chance

This email appeared in my queue last week. You may not find it as amusing as I do, but here are the parts that are interesting to me.

I cancelled my sustaining membership payments in December on account of moving out of KQED’s catchment area. I was a supporter of KQED-FM, but I’m sure it went into the whole NPR-PBS pot. In exchange for that recurring payment, I occasionally got email notifications of members-only activities (like a party for Downton Abbey, which you’d have to pay me to attend), but mostly it was other invitations to contribute more than I already was.

Anyhow, it’s interesting to me that it took Marianne six months to realize she was missing my contribution. The regretful suspension of my “benefits” is a nice touch, but they were more features more than benefits in my case. I admire her restraint inasmuch as this was the first and (so she promises) the last reminder, but, no, I am not still enjoying KQED TV and radio shows.

However, the one element that prompted me to save the email and write about it was the Unsubscribe link at the bottom. If Marianne and KQED truly meant it when she said this is my final reminder, I shouldn’t have to unsubscribe from their emails, should I?

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